Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Video Game Advancements (Last post!)

Recently I hooked up my Nintendo 64...and aside from playing tetris alot I took the time to look at all my game systems and noticd how much they've changed over the years...

From top left to bottom right:
Super Nintendo
Sega Genesis
Nintendo 64
Nintendo Gamecube

...That's not all of them, but just based on the controllers you can see how video games have changed.
Also, I would have thought older controllers would be bulkly (like phones were)...but it looks like the opposite this time.

Here's a view with the hand held games:

Top: Super Nintendo, Sega Genesis, N64 & Xbox360
Bottom: Game boy, Game boy color, game boy advance, DS & PSP
Notice how the shape of the games changed?
Anyways, that's a visual look at the advancement of video games...From 8bit to the current 3D, videos games will always change!
What's your favorite game/ system?

Mind reading robot teachers

An automated system that detects when online students are distracted in class...
That's pretty interesting. This started at the university of Wisconsin-Madison, when two people wanted to find out wheter a robot could use techniques"real" teachers use to keep students alert.

A quote from the article:
"What do human teachers do and how can we draw on that to build an educational robot that achieves something similar?"

In the end, the robot was programmed and tested...Did it work?
Check the article to find out!

Click here for article

A video on a real robot teacher

Car parking

Technology & car parking...
Do you remember the movie iRobot? If so can you remember when Will Smith's character parked his car? It was basically flipped over into a wall or floor compartment. Sadly I couldn't find he video clip, so go watch the movie again! lol
Anyways this video I posted below deals with technology & car parking. It's not as eat as iRobot but it could be useful.
Would you park your car this way?